I am in La. Really in LA. The reason I came here (to work with a particular producer) has come to an end. What a strange thing because so much new opportunity has opened up as a result of letting go of that opportunity. Sometimes it takes one promising reason to make a move in your life that really leads to a myriad of reasons to stay not related to the original reason. Like the guy who moves across country with a girl, gets burned and meets the love of his life 6 months later. If he hadn’t gotten there in the 1st place it wouldn’t have happened.
I am 31 years old – which by the way kids, is not old. I have been working on the Speed Of Life project since 2001 when I was 24. I have worked too hard and been burned too many times to give up the high level of integrity I’ve maintained throughout the evolution of this project. If anything I am more determined than ever to promote my ideals through this product, artistically through each songs or inception, and environmentally in its design and presentation. The environment is for me the most pressing issue facing us as people today. The current issues have the potential of uniting us in ways previously impossible and create a new era of evolution in our species. All other problems will be moot if we have substantially ruined the planet that we inhabit. Plus a shared project amongst people leads to cooperation, Our last cd was on recycled paper. From this point forward all of our products will be as environmentally sustainable as possible. Also in the near future I will be hosting our website on a Solar powered server. I have some exciting ideas that I haven’t seen bands do before that I will be presenting as our next album comes to fruition.
In the meantime check out our website – www.speedoflifemusic.com - I’ve done an extensive renovation that includes a photo gallery that extends back to the bands beginnings. Join our mailing list on reverb nation if you haven’t and stay in touch Also be a part of what going on. Check out www.wecansolveit.org and take a strong look at Al Gore’s speech. His pledge to have our country’s electricity running completely on sustainable resources in 10 years is a realistic and necessary goal. It is probably easier technology wise than the moon mission he draws a comparison to. Here I am in SoCal with the sun shining on every rooftop not using it’s free energy. Now I will go back to writing songs!